The following is a preview of what’s included in the Adult’s Reference Guide.
The “Adult’s Reference Guide” is written with the intent to enlighten you, the caring adult traveling with him, to a child’s emotional state of mind during a time of loss in his life. Prayerfully, it will keep you from being “caught completely unaware,” as you help him process his grief and answer the questions he might have.
Let me introduce you to the Reference Guide.
Chapter 1: Supporting a Grieving Child
Often what adults label as “bad behavior” in children is a cry for help after experiencing a loss. This chapter offers basic tips in recognizing the signs of grief in children.
Chapter 2: Understanding Emotions
Emotions are the bulk of the grieving process. Your understanding of the emotions a child exhibits can pave the way for him to be able to express his emotions in a healthy way in the midst of losses in everyday life.
Chapter 3: Recognizing Perception
Children perceive and view things that happen to them in their childhood with childlike wisdom, childlike knowledge, and childlike understanding. Because of this, a child often perceives a loss entirely wrong, thus causing him more pain. This chapter is to help adults guard against wrong perceptions during and after a loss has occurred.
Chapter 4: Building Self-Esteem
During a loss, a child’s self-esteem may begin to spiral downward. Our mission as caring adults is to help build self-esteem in children based on how much God loves and values him in order to become all that God created him to be. Bubby the Rabbit will assist you in this endeavor by giving the children tips, scriptures, and questions to answer in the activities section of each chapter.
Chapter 5: Answering Questions about Specific Losses
When a child experiences a loss or knows of someone who has, questions arise out of his struggle to understand the concept of what is happening. This chapter lists questions children might ask concerning: Death, Bullying, Moving, Loss of a Pet, and Divorce. Answers have been provided for you to use as a guide to meet the child’s curiosity.